
Showing posts from December, 2021

2022 Targets (Now with April additions)

Last year I started my diary with:  " I have to assume that some sort of normality will return to the planet by Q2. Either through roll-out of the vaccinations, or a general outbreak of common-sense towards the risks of Covid and how they balance against the damage of the continued mismanagement of it." . And yet a year on and we are back in almost exactly the same place.  ETU Bilbao (Aquathlon, Cross Triathlon, Cross Duathlon*) are all in Week 33. ITU (Aquathlon) haven't announced their date or venue yet, but I have qualified. ITU Targu Mures (Cross Triathlon) is in Week 18.  ITU Targu Mures has a Cross Duathlon** but Team GB haven't decided if they are taking a team or not. And they haven't set qualifying criteria so I don't know if I will even be eligible. So I can't even plan towards target dates or venues. *I should have a spot in the ETU Cross Duathlon but something got dropped in the rollover system and I have had to reapply for my space and am stil...