Fortnightly Review - Weeks 7 & 8

Another solid block of green numbers. 

I was on course for all my swim miles anyway, and then got caught out looking for 600m to finish the second week and getting handed a 3,100m session. That at least got me clear of any need to swim again at the weekend. 

I also got all my bike miles in earlier so was able to take a few days off the bike as well. By cutting my weekend to "just" running sessions I was finally able to get a lot of jobs crossed off my chore list and get all my extra sessions fitted in as well. I am doing a good job of keeping everything in, but it is normally about this time of year that I start skipping weights / core / yoga so I need to stay on top of them

I am going to count Forres Cross Country as a "fast" run even though it was 8:24 /mile. The course was tough and slippery and I was pushing the effort for enough of it that it was effectively equivalent to a reps session or a shorter race. Then my second fast run was meant to be a Parkrun, only I woke up to a flat tyre, that I had just had changed the day before. I went out for a run along the railway line at a decent pace for 4.5 miles instead. 

I am booked in for my hip injections on Wednesday and then Glasgow Aquathlon on Sunday. Those are going to take chunks out of what I can do this coming week. Some of that will be offset by having to ride to my pre-surgery Covid test while I wait for my tyre to get fixed, but a lot of this week is going to be a complete loss and my main hope is that my hip is good to race on by Sunday. 

Also I quit my Asda driving job today. It has definitely been an essential part of retaining some semblance of my sanity throughout Covid, but the last couple of months it has just become a chore. The tiny amount of money I make (my annual bonus was just £76) after the taxman has his massive bite (I am have netted less than £2,000 in the 2021/22 tax year) is not worth the time or the perpetual bruising and strain injuries, especially with the possibility that racing might start returning.

Actuals, (Target) - 

Swim 7.1 miles / 11,250 m. (5.6 miles).
Bike 78.1 miles. (77.0 miles). MTB 26.2 miles. (19.3 miles)
Run 40.9 miles. 
(40.6 miles).

2 short core, 2 short light weights and 2 stretching / rollering session. 91 mins of yoga. 

Cumulative Actual, (Cumulative Target), [Cumulative Stretch] -

S 29.0, (22.4), [24.6],
B 346.7, (303.5), [333.8
],  MTB 96.4, (75.9), [83.5],
R 176.3, (168.2), [185.0].

Core         - 11, (8), [8]  
Weights    - 11, (8), [8]
Stretching - 10, (8), [12]
Yoga         - 17, (8), [19]. 

Fast run sessions - 9, (>8).


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