Fortnightly Review - Weeks 15 & 16

I am now back in the office more regularly and have had to adjust my training times to suit. That means more early morning sessions rather than lunchtimes. I am not great in the mornings so they are a struggle and are much less beneficial, but they need to be done. 

I did Aberdeen Parkrun again in the middle of this fortnight. The weather was slightly better, and as such I managed to take a huge chunk of my 5k PB, moving it to 18:39, and still feeling like there was more in the tank on a warmer day. 

And then my hip has started to give me some signals that everything is not quite right throughout the second week. I woke up in the middle of Wednesday night feeling like I had been stabbed, and have been unable to sleep on that side since, but I can't tell if this is the injections wearing off or if I have done a minor injury to the area. My brain can't interpret the signals from anything in that area after 12 years of being overloaded with pain so I have tried to just go easy on it in the hope that it is  small injury rather than the full return of the hip issues already.

I went for my first outdoor swim of the year. It was much too cold and I should not have gone. I only managed 400m in 11 minutes, and never more than 10 strokes of front crawl between stops to breaststroke. I am going to give it another fortnight to warm up before making another attempt. 

I finished this fortnight with my first ever Cross Duathlon. the race at Balmoral was the only chance I had to get one in before going to Romania to race the World Champs. I came 17th. I am vaguely happy with that. My runs were both good, my bike less so. But the bike had effectively no mountain biking in it. It was just good fire tracks with a massive long drag on the way out and a couple of quick downhill miles on the way back. The new bike is not really designed for that type of riding and I might have been better to just take the hard-tail 27.5 instead. 

Anyway, both runs went pretty well, my hip twinged a little in a few sections but was nowhere near pre-surgery levels of pain, so I am still hopeful that this is temporary rather than the injections reaching the end of their life already. 

Actuals, (Target) - 

Swim 6.6 miles / 10,650 m. (5.6 miles).
Bike 87.8 miles. (69.2 miles). MTB 63.1 miles. (17.3 miles)
Run 45.0 miles. 
(40.6 miles).

2 short core, 2 short light weights and 2 stretching / rollering session. 54 mins of yoga. 

Cumulative Actual, (Cumulative Target), [Cumulative Stretch] -

S 49.7, (44.8), [49.3],

B 768.4, (580.4), [638.4],  MTB 221.9, (145.1), [159.6],
R 362.2, (330.6), [363.7].

Core         - 19, (11), [16]  
Weights    - 19, (11), [16]
Stretching - 18, (12), [18]
Yoga         - 27, (16), [34]. 

Fast run sessions - 19, (>16).


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