Training Review - Weeks 49 & 50
The weather had a decent say on training this fortnight. Winter has arrived and snow and ice have affected my ability to train outdoors. I have managed some runs, but have kept them close to home and on roads that I trusted to be at least minimally slippy. Also the students have finished up for the year so I am on my own for a while and this means replacing the missing swim and spin sessions with solo efforts, all of which I missed this week because of the weather.
I passed the 1,000 run miles that I had planned for the year. I also passed my bike stretch target of 2,200 miles. And I have managed (somehow) to do all my smaller targets. I am only 8 miles from my swim target which would give me a full set of everything for the year. I should get that once we get to holidays and I can do some longer day-time swims.
Obviously it is Xmas season as well. So the abundance of Xmas dinners and multitude of sweets and treats going around mean that I have managed to put on 3kg in the last fortnight. Being Xmas I am not going to attempt to do anything to fix that until New Year.
Actuals, (Target) -
Swim 3.3 miles / 5,400 m. (5.6 miles).
Bike 59.1 miles. (79.2 miles). MTB 0.0 miles. (19.8 miles)
Run 32.6 miles. (39.2 miles).
0 short core, 0 short light weights and 0 stretching / rollering session. 0 mins of yoga.
S 122.3, (125.3), [137.8],
B 2,274.1, (1,926.7), [2,119.4], MTB 685.5, (461.9), [508.1],
Weights - 30, (18), [28]
Yoga - 51, (32), [50].
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