Fortnightly Reviews - Weeks 23 & 24

So the bulk of this fortnight was the World Championships in Targu Mures, and both those races, and a lot of the surrounding recces and the like, get their own posts which I have only half written. Then the second week I was hit by a cold or flu (not Covid according to daily LFTs) so was basically just trying to do something minimal every day to keep my streak going without aggravating my illness. 

By Friday I was at least able to get out in the sun on the bike, and I put in weights and core sessions in the evening as well. I clearly wasn't over the cold though as I struggled to a 21 minute Parkrun on the Saturday morning. I got back in the pool for a half freestyle / half breaststroke paddle on Sunday, so I at least feel like I am back to a place where I can start to train normally again from tomorrow.

I have 9 weeks until the World Aquathlon Champs. That seems like plenty of time to re-gear to just swimming and running. But obviously that would be too simple. 

My next fortnight block ends with the start of the Tour De France. Last year I did 10% of their ride distance every day. This year I am planning to do 16% (1 mile for me for every 10km they cover) and I am also planning to carry that on for the following week with the TdF-Femmes.

This is probably not a smart idea as it takes me right up to the fortnight before the ITU Aquathlon, and that much time on the bike probably isn't going to help my run or swim. So there is a chance that I abandon it at some point. It also clashes with a bunch of other things, some of which I can make work, some of which I possibly can't. One thing I did last time was that I would cover the daily distance in a single ride and if I rode a second time that day (e.g. commuting) it was an extra. I think that rule needs to flex a bit to save me from impacting other events. 

Actuals, (Target) - 

Swim 2.1 miles / 3,400 m. (4.2 miles).
Bike 89.5 miles. (79.2 miles). MTB 44.8 miles. (19.8 miles)
Run 43.6 miles. 
(35.0 miles).

1 short core, 1 short light weights and 2 stretching / rollering session. 38 mins of yoga. 

Cumulative Actual, (Cumulative Target), [Cumulative Stretch] -

S 66.0, (63.0), [69.3]
B 1128.9, (897.2), [986.9
],  MTB 348.9, (224.3), [246.7],
R 520.8, (485.4), [533.9].

Core         - 22, (15), [22]  
Weights    - 22, (15), [22]
Stretching - 26, (16), [25]
Yoga         - 35, (22), [38]. 

Fast run sessions - 27, (>24).


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