Fortnightly Reviews - Weeks 25 & 26

Half way through the year. 

Having lost a week to a cold / virus I was able to get straight back into two full weeks of training. I managed everything in this fortnight as well as doubling up on basketball this week. 

On Friday I started this years Tour de France follow-along plan where I plan to do 1 mile for every 10km that they ride. That made for a very easy day as they did a short time trial. It also made for the closest thing I have had to a rest day in nearly 3 years as I wanted to try and race with the pacemaker at the 500th Aberdeen Beach Parkrun on the Saturday.

I took a very easy ride down to the Beach, did my normal warm-up and put on my bouncy new shoes. I tried to go with the 18 minute pacemaker but he went too fast the first 800m and I let him go and ran to the watch instead. That put me in a nice little group of about 7 runners all the way through 3k, by which point the pacemaker was on pace but still 20 yards ahead. Then my little group just blew apart. Half of them seemed to suddenly be with the pacemaker and out of range, the other half disappeared out the back. 

I had to just try and settle in to my own run from there. I managed to keep the pace, and even to push a few seconds at the end. I finished in 18:15 (official) having had my watch beep at 18:10 (unofficial). I am going to stick with the official time and that is still a 25 second PB. I think some of that might be the shoes, and more how they seem to stop my knee and hip pains, but certainly some of it was me running right at my limit. 

I still want a sub-18, but I am not likely to have a good chance at it this side of Bratislava. 

Actuals, (Target) - 

Swim 4.3 miles / 3,400 m. (4.2 miles).
Bike 107.0 miles. (79.2 miles). MTB 40.1 miles. (19.8 miles)
Run 47.3 miles. 
(35.0 miles).

2 short core, 2 short light weights and 2 stretching / rollering session. 59 mins of yoga. 

Cumulative Actual, (Cumulative Target), [Cumulative Stretch] -

S 70.3, (67.2), [73.9]
B 1,235.8, (976.4), [1074.0
],  MTB 389.0, (244.1), [268.5],
R 568.1, (520.4), [572.4].

Core         - 24, (16), [22]  
Weights    - 24, (16), [22]
Stretching - 28, (18), [25]
Yoga         - 37, (24), [40]. 

Fast run sessions - 29, (>24).


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